About ASC’s Instruction Program:
The Archives and Special Collections (ASC) instructional program supports UConn’s teaching and learning mission through a commitment to integrating primary resources into curriculum across a variety of disciplines. Working with manuscript and primary sources promotes high levels of inquiry, helps students develop skills in critical thinking, analysis, and historical empathy, and provides important opportunities for original scholarship. Our instruction program has three primary goals:
- To support the educational mission of the University.
- To support Information and Primary Source Literacy skills through alignment with UConn curriculum.
- To support researchers by teaching them the skills to prepare and empower them to do their own independent research.
We welcome classes of all types across all disciplines from introductory classes to semester-long research projects. We seek opportunities to collaborate with faculty to design hands-on learning sessions which fit their curricular needs and utilize materials from the ASC collections.
In addition to in-person instruction sessions, ASC staff provide many online instructional tools, including videos, asynchronous tutorial modules, and podcast episodes that may be useful for your teaching.
Please review the information below to learn more about the type of archival instructional service that would best suit your course.
Please note that we have a capacity limit of 20-25 student maximum per session in the ASC Reading Room. If your class exceeds that limit, ASC staff will do their best to work with you on alternative instructional activities/arrangements.
Schedule your class and learn more about what we offer:
Schedule a Class
An instructor/librarian requests materials be put on reserve in ASC for their class (may or may not be tied to an archivist-led instruction session/co-teaching session), so that students can view course materials on reserve outside of class time.
- The archivist creates an Aeon activity for the course reserve and makes sure all requests are added to the Aeon activity.
- The archivist communicates expectations for course reserve to instructor, which may include sending the instructor handouts and other information to pass on to students.
- Students are expected to create Aeon accounts and can get assistance with account creation at the ASC reference desk or via an archivist.
- Archivists help the instructor/librarian work through logistics like booking instruction space, facilitating access to space and materials.
- Archivists may or may not provide assistance with material selection, depending on instructor preference.
- The instructor must provide the final list of materials for inclusion at least 1 week before the scheduled materials lab session.
- ASC staff make sure that class materials are pulled and in place at the start of the class.
- As students arrive for a class, ASC staff provide information about ASC policies, such as storage of personal belongings in ASC lockers, and guidelines for handling ASC materials.
- The archivist meets with the requestor to discuss goals for the session, topics to be covered, learning objectives, and materials.
- The archivist is a partner in the planning and teaching process.
- Lesson plan & learning objectives are created jointly with co-leader.
- Archivist leads some instructional component of the session.
- Archivist provides assistance and/or guidance in selecting materials.
- Materials must be selected at least two weeks before the co-led class session.
- The archivist meets with the requestor to discuss goals for the session, topics to be covered, learning objectives, and materials.
- The archivist creates the lesson plan and learning objectives.
- Submit instruction request at least 3 weeks before proposed session date(s)
- Meet with the Archivist at least two weeks before the session to discuss session goals, primary sources to be included, instructional activities, and session logistics
- Communicate with your students in advance of the session, share any pre-class materials for the session
- Allow time for lesson planning-- Sessions based around an upcoming assignment or cumulative project are the most impactful, and collaboration and communication with the requesting faculty member is crucial. Please submit your instruction request no later than three weeks before the date you’d like the session to occur. Please note that requests after the three-week mark will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- Share your course and learning outcomes with us-- We ask that you share your syllabus and/or primary assignment with us (even if they are not finalized). This will allow the archivist to prepare a meaningful session that will assist your students in successfully fulfilling the requirements of their assignment or learning objectives. For more information on the primary source literacy learning objectives we use to plan ASC instruction, please see the Guidelines for Primary Source Literacy
- Help us get to know your students—You know your students best! Any information you can provide about the educational background of your students, such as majors or years, will give us a starting point for planning. We may ask you about the culture of your classroom, such as do you often have group activities? Discussions? Do any students in your class have any needs that require accommodation? All of these insights help us to effectively prepare active learning activities to facilitate student engagement.