Teaching with Archives & Special Collections

About ASC’s Instruction Program:

The Archives and Special Collections (ASC) instructional program supports UConn’s teaching and learning mission through a commitment to integrating primary resources into curriculum across a variety of disciplines. Working with manuscript and primary sources promotes high levels of inquiry, helps students develop skills in critical thinking, analysis, and historical empathy, and provides important opportunities for original scholarship. Our instruction program has three primary goals:

  1. To support the educational mission of the University.
  2. To support Information and Primary Source Literacy skills through alignment with UConn curriculum.
  3. To support researchers by teaching them the skills to prepare and empower them to do their own independent research.

We welcome classes of all types across all disciplines from introductory classes to semester-long research projects. We seek opportunities to collaborate with faculty to design hands-on learning sessions which fit their curricular needs and utilize materials from the ASC collections.

In addition to in-person instruction sessions, ASC staff provide many online instructional tools, including videos, asynchronous tutorial modules, and podcast episodes that may be useful for your teaching.

Please review the information below to learn more about the type of archival instructional service that would best suit your course.

Please note that we have a capacity limit of 20-25 student maximum per session in the ASC Reading Room. If your class exceeds that limit, ASC staff will do their best to work with you on alternative instructional activities/arrangements.

Schedule your class and learn more about what we offer:
Schedule a Class