Stamford Campus Library Policies


For UConn student, faculty and staff, a valid UConn ID is required to borrowing materials at the library such as circulating books and media, Course Reserve and/or  Lending Equipment. Additional information concerning fines and fees,  loan periods and renewals are also available.

For CT residents or UConn Alumni, a community borrower card (fee-based) is required to borrow circulating books from Storrs and the five regional campuses. Please call or stop by to find out about our Community Borrower Program. Additional information for Community Borrowers about how to request materials from the library catalog is available here.   CT residents can also inquire with their public libraries about Interlibrary loan services to request books from the UConn Library. 

Proxy Patron Program: Faculty, University administrators and staff may employ students  (both graduate and undergraduate) to serve as research  assistants. Duties of these research assistants include locating  items in the library and subsequently checking them out on behalf of the employer (aka Proxy Grantor.) These students are registered as Proxy Patrons at the library services desk (203-251-8500). Proxy Patron Permission form for UConn Stamford Library.

Computer Use Policy

Priority for use of computers is given to UConn students, faculty, and staff. Usage is primarily for academic and course-related activities. Students accessing computers for personal use may be asked to relinquish the computer. UConn students, faculty and staff must login with your NetID and logoff after your session.

Visitors on campus may use the library’s designated Guest Terminal on the first floor for 30 minutes per day and must sign the form located on the clipboard near the workstation. We reserve the right to excuse an individual from a computer workstation. Visitors may be asked to relinquish the computer to UConn faculty, staff or students at any time. Library staff appreciate that the public patron observes library policies and relinquish the computer after 30 minutes. The library staff will take additional steps to regulate computer use. Visitors must still adhere to the applicable university IT Policies and Library Policies.

The Jeremy Richard Library endorses the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read statement of the American Library Association. Patrons must abide by the President’s Policy on Harassment that “forbids harassment that has the effect of interfering with an individual’s performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.” Displaying hate literature or pornography constitutes such harassment and will not be tolerated. All computer users must abide by the University IT Policies, Library Policies  and the Libraries’  Public Workstation Policy, and the University of Connecticut’s Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Related Interpersonal Violence.

Collection Development Program, Policies, and Guidelines

The Libraries of the University of Connecticut develop, maintain and make discoverable robust and unique collections that support the research and learning needs of the UConn community and beyond.  Find out more about our criteria’s for collection development, licensing online resources,  donated materials collection development policy and deslection of materials and much more. 


Under Connecticut law, library patron files may not be divulged except by court order. This means we cannot tell anyone who has a particular item checked out. We will be glad to recall material from another patron if requested by a member of the University of Connecticut community, and these individuals also may request an InterLibrary Loan copy if our copy has been checked out.

Library Databases Policy

The University of Connecticut Libraries purchases access to Licensed Electronic Resources on behalf of the University of Connecticut community. Systematic downloading, distributing, or retaining substantial portions of information or using software such as scripts, agents, or robots, to retrieve information is generally prohibited.

Note: State of Connecticut Residents (only) have online access to essential library and information resources. ResearchIT CT is administered by the Connecticut State Library in conjunction with your local library. Through ResearchIT CT, a core level of information resources including secured access to licensed databases is available to every citizen in Connecticut. In addition, specialized research information is available to college students and faculty.

Defacing Library Property

Unauthorized removal, mutilation, defacement, or marking of library property, materials or equipment is prohibited. The intentional damaging of library materials is a misdemeanor punishable by law and will be reported to the campus Police.

Food and Beverage Policy

Food is not permitted anywhere in the library. Water and other beverages are allowed if contained in a covered container, however beverages are not permitted near the computers. Please properly dispose of all trash in available recycling containers and promptly report any spills to the library services Desk.

Patrons are informed to eat their food outside the library in the campus concourse with plenty of tables and chairs. Patrons who fail to comply with library policy will be asked to leave.

Group Study Rooms

The library has a variety of study area options on the first and second floors. Individual study carrels and large group tables are located on all floors of the library. The UConn Stamford Library study rooms MUST be booked from our online reservation system before use (reservations can be made up to 3 days in advance). Most group study rooms are equipped with wireless access, live data jacks, whiteboards, VCR and DVD players and monitors to project portable devices. Usage is limited to two hours to accommodate demand. Food and noise policies must be followed in group study areas. Group study room are for course-related activities. Rooms left unattended with personal belongings will be referred to the campus Police.

Sign-up is required at at the library services Desk with a valid UConn ID. Study room keys  and other materials are picked up and returned at the library services desk at sign-up and remain inside the library. Due to the heavy demands of the study rooms by our student population, priority is given to UConn students only. UConn faculty and staff may also reserve study rooms using the online reservation system. 

Hours – Jeremy Richard Library, UConn Stamford Campus


Secure wireless access is available from personal laptops and other mobile devices throughout the Stamford campus to UConn Students, Faculty and Staff by using their NetID on the UConn-Secure Network.  The Stamford Campus library also lends PC and MAC laptops to UConn Students for 4-hours IN-LIBRARY USE ONLY. See Technology Services at the Stamford Campus Library for more information.

Library Security | Lost & Found

The main doors near the library services desk are the only entrance to the library. Patrons must pass through security gates upon entering and exiting. An alarm will sound if library materials are removed without being properly checked out. Occasionally, a laptop computer, commercial videotape, or store security device will set off the alarm. If an alarm sounds while you are leaving the Library, please return to the library services desk.

Lost & Found Materials: On occasion, library staff finds materials left behind or forgotten by users. If you feel that you’ve left something behind at the library, please speak to the library staff. We also encourage you to stop by the Campus Welcome Center Desk to check on lost and found materials.

The Library has no facilities for secure storage of personal property and assumes no responsibility for personal property lost or stolen on library premises. Never leave personal property unattended in the library. If you’ve lost personal property you can stop by the library services desk (203-251-8500), the campus welcome center desk (203-251-8400) or contact the UConn Police for assistance (860-486-4801).

Noise & Cell Phone Use

The University of Connecticut Libraries is committed to providing an environment that is conducive to study as well as welcoming to all users. This policy applies to all open areas of the Library.

All patrons should respect the rights of others by keeping noise levels as low as possible. Noise restrictions need to be followed in order to respect the general atmosphere of the library. When you enter the library, be considerate of those studying around you; keep all conversations with your neighbors short and your voice lowered. If you need to use your cell phone, step outside the library to do so. Students, a library privacy booth is available by online reservation to conduct a private call or a virtual meeting.  

Please report any violations of the noise policy to a library staff member. We thank you for your cooperation in making the University of Connecticut Libraries a better place to study and conduct research.

Persons with Disabilities

Printing & Photocopying & Scanning

Black & White ($.05 cents per page) and color printing ($.15 cents per page) is available at the library on the first floor and paid for with your Student UConn ID/Husky One Card . The UConn Stamford library does not accept cash or provide change, so kindly plan accordingly to manage  your printing and photocopying. Scanning is also available free of charge.

  • Manage Your Husky Bucks account.
  • HuskyPrint has been retired. The Wepa service replaces HuskyPrint as the new on-campus printing solution.
  • Use your Wepa App to print and/or your One Card to pay for your print and photocopy jobs. 
  • Ability to print to 20+ printers across five UConn campuses. Easy to setup on your own computer, PC or Mac.

Students: please get your Husky One Card photo taken in order to get your FREE University ID at the campus Bursar’s Office (room 1.21). Your University ID is your library card to print/photocopy, and to use library spaces and equipment. When you receive your Husky One Card, add money to your card online for Husky Bucks. Once you’ve added funds to your Husky One Card you can use your UConn ID at the Library and even a few places in Stamford downtown.

UConn Stamford Faculty & Adjuncts: photocopying and printing are available for you at the faculty office area and a designated room on the first floor (room 1.11) using your assigned copier code. Questions regarding your code should be directed to the Stamford Campus Technology IT Help Center Hotline at 203-251-9599.  Stamford Information Technology Services.

Visitors/Guests/Non-UConn Affiliates/Community Borrowers.
 At this time, the Stamford Campus Library does not accept cash or credit card or accept the library copy card that was once purchasable at the university bookstore and used by visitors for printing and photocopying. On-campus printing at Wepa print stations is available to the public. Guests who are not affiliated with the University and do not have a NetID need to create and manage their funds and files on a guest Wepa account. Save your work to a flash drive or to your email as an attachment.
We recommend visiting the Stamford Public Library on 96 Broad Street or Minuteman Press at 513 Summer Street for your printing and photocopying. 

Wepa Print Instructions for Guests/Non-UConn Users 

Wireless Printing:

Wireless printing is only available for UConn Students, Faculty and Staff only using their NetID on the UConn-Secure Network. Go to the Wepa Print website and follow the instructions to install Wepa Print on your laptop.

Printing Etiquette:

Printers are a shared resource on campus, and it is very important that each user does their part to conserve paper and toner. We recommend you should “print preview” your document before printing to prevent printing out unnecessary pages. Please do not remove any paper from our machines. 

Problems & Suggestions

Contact the library services desk at 203-251-8500 or email the library director. For Technology related questions call 203.251.9599.

Reference Assistance

Reference Librarians are available to assist students and faculty in research help. The librarians will also help you with the use of library databases, Interlibrary Services, locating materials, and resolving issues related to overdue materials and fines. For library support also use: Ask a Librarian Live to get answers in real-time from the staff at the University Libraries.


Patrons are asked not to reshelve materials after use. Books left on carrels and tables are routinely shelved by library staff.

Visitor Information & Public Use of Library Collection

We welcome the use of our collections and services. Everyone is welcome to make on-site use of the libraries; however those who do not have a current or formal relationship with the University of Connecticut will have to abide by the libraries policies for visitors. Policies and computer use may differ at each campus so contact the regional campus library you plan on visiting.

Check out our visitor page for additional information.

Wireless Access

Wireless Access 

Secure wireless access is available from personal laptops and other mobile devices throughout the Stamford campus to UConn Students, Faculty and Staff by using their NetID on the UConn-Secure Network.

Visitors on campus using their personal laptop or mobile devices can ‘get connected’ by following different instructions to have UConn-Guest access to the UConn-Guest Wireless Network.