Anne Langley was appointed the Dean of the UConn Library in February 2018 and reappointed in August 2023. As dean she is the libraries’ chief administrative officer and is charged with strategic and operational leadership. This includes strengthening the libraries’ diversity, inclusion, and equity efforts; positioning the library as the hub of collaboration, digital innovation, and scholarly endeavors; creating a shared vision and culture of respect and collegiality; and centering the libraries as an essential partner for ensuring the university’s excellence in academics, research, and scholarship. With her leadership team, she oversees nine libraries in the system and works closely with the School of Law Library.
To contact Dean Langley, please reach out to Angela Frati, Executive Assistant.
Learn more about the Office of the Dean.

Khara Leon
Assistant Dean
Library Administration
Sara Harrington
Associate University Librarian
Academic Engagement

Laurie Taylor
Associate University Librarian
Collections & Discovery

Susan Fowler
Library Director
Health Sciences