Student Study Spaces

Find your study space in Homer Babbidge Library

Babbidge Booths

  • Located on Levels B, Plaza, 1, 2, 3, 4
  • Occupancy 1 - 2
  • First come, first served

Learn more about Babbidge Booths

Individual Study Rooms

  • Located on Level 3
  • Occupancy 1-2
  • Reservable 24 hours in advance for up to three hours a day

Group Study Rooms

  • Located on Levels B, 1, 2, 3, 4
  • Occupancy 2-18
  • Reservable three days in advance for up to six hours a day

Regional Campus Libraries:

Looking for a study space at a regional campus library?  Learn more about other study spaces available throughout our libraries.


Avery Point Campus Library Technology Services

Group Study Rooms


Pharmacy Library Technology Services

Group Study RoomsPharmacy Library Rooms


Stamford Campus Library Technology Services

First Floor RoomsPrivacy Booth