Borrowing Materials
Physical materials from the UConn Library at Hartford Public Library are available for check-out to UConn faculty, staff, and students with a valid UConn ID as well as to Hartford Public Library card holders.
Additional information concerning loan periods and renewals are included on the Circulation Policies page. If you are affiliated with UConn and require a valid UConn ID card, contact the One Card Office.
The Community Borrower Program allows limited borrowing privileges.
Computer Use Policy
Priority for use of computers is given to UConn students, faculty, and staff. Usage is primarily for course-related activities. Students accessing computers for personal use may be asked to relinquish the computer. Community and guests with some affiliation to UConn may use the guest computer if not in use by UConn users. All computer users must abide by the University’s Policies.
Under Connecticut law, library circulation records may not be divulged except by court order. Items that are checked out may be recalled or requested through Interlibrary Services.
Library Property
Unauthorized removal, mutilation, defacement, or marking of library property, materials or equipment is prohibited. The intentional damaging of library materials is a misdemeanor punishable by law and will be reported to Security.
Food and Beverage Policy
It is the policy of the Library to maintain an environment appropriate for the protection of library materials and conducive to study. By complying with the policy, we can maintain a clean environment. Do not bring food or drinks near public computers, scanners, printers, or in any locations posted “No Food or Drink”. Snacks and covered beverages are permitted in other areas. Properly dispose of all food, trash, and recyclables.
Library Databases Policy
UConn Library Rooms and Spaces
The library has a variety of spaces equipped with wireless access, whiteboards, and collaboration technology for portable devices. Usage may be limited to two hours to accommodate demand. Rooms left unattended with personal belongings may be referred to Security. Food and noise policies must be followed in individual and collaborative areas. UConn focused areas are for research and course-related, non-commercial activities.
More details, are available on our Learning Spaces page.
Wireless Access
Secure wireless access for personal devices is available throughout the Hartford campus to UConn students, faculty and staff by using their NetID. Public wireless access is also available via HPL-Public and for guests from Eduroam participating institutions.
Library Security
The UConn Library at Hartford Public Library has security staff throughout the building and at the Main Street and Arch Street entrances. The Library assumes no responsibility for personal property lost or stolen on library premises. We ask that you never leave personal property unattended in the Library.
Public Use
Computer stations and equipment are intended to support academic research by UConn students, faculty, staff, and authorized visitors. UConn is contractually bound to limit access to certain databases and e-resources to current UConn students, faculty, and staff. UConn Library collections and on-site access to many databases are available on the Ground Level. A current Community Borrower Card is required to access UConn Library spaces. To apply for a Community Borrower Card, please review the policy and contact UConn Library Hartford staff at 959-200-3466 or
Printing, Photocopying, and Scanning
Black-and-white and color printing are available at the library and paid for with your UConn ID/Husky OneCard or Wepa account. You may also print from personal devices. Scanners are located on the Ground Floor of the library. Scanning is free of charge. There is a 10 minute scanning limit if others are waiting to use the equipment. Hartford Public Library provides access to photocopiers on the Main Floor. Please adhere to Copyright laws.
Patrons are asked not to reshelve materials after use. Books left on carrels, tables, and carts are routinely shelved by library staff.
Library Assistance
We provide research assistance, help in using library databases, assistance in placing Interlibrary Services requests, and facilitate with concerns with overdue materials and fines. For library support also contact Ask a Librarian to get answers in real time from the staff at the UConn Library.
The library staff will gladly retrieve items to accommodate those with special needs.