
Atiq, Nadeen

Nadeen is a Financial Service Assistant at Homer Babbidge Library. Within the Financial Services Unit, Nadeen is responsible for processing, documenting, tracking, and reconciling all Collection related purchases in Alma and HuskyBuy. Nadeen works to provide various financial reports using Webfocus, Alma, and KFS to account supervisors, as requested. Nadeen also oversees all Foundation related expenditures and processes reimbursements.

Greene, Michelle

Michelle Greene is an Access & Visitor Services Associate at the Homer Babbidge Library. Michelle earned her B.S. in Library Science from the University of Maine at Augusta. Michelle is currently enrolled in a M.S.L.S. at Clarion University of Pennsylvania. She can help you with information assistance and technology lending. She actively contributes to Area and Unit priorities, initiatives, and library operations through collaboration and cooperation. She is committed to providing quality customer service to the UConn campus and community and contributes to its patron’s research and educational needs. She can be located at the iDesk on the main floor of the library at the Storrs campus.

Cowan, Susanna

Susanna is the Assessment Strategist for the UConn Library. In this role, she leads, supports, or consults on a wide range of assessment activities including special projects and regular administrative data cycles such as annual statistics and budget reporting. She oversaw the implementation of the ClimateQUAL organizational climate survey in 2019 and 2023 and the LibQUAL user services survey in 2022.  Working both independently and collaboratively, she has developed custom instruments to assess various library services and spaces.  During the pandemic, she co-developed a series of methods aimed at measuring staff professional well-being during the period of remote-only work. She is driven by a desire to use both quantitative and qualitative assessment to tell compelling stories about the UConn Library that both highlight our accomplishments and focus us on areas of opportunity inside our organization and in our service to the UConn community and beyond.  Prior to this role, she directed UConn’s Summer & Winter Program and led the Library’s Undergraduate Education Team. She has a PhD in English literature from the University of Utah, an MLS from Southern CT State U, and a BA in English & German from Swarthmore College.


Areas of Expertise

  • Qualitative & Quantitative Assessment Techniques
  • Writing
  • Project Management
  • Administrative data


Professional Affiliations 


Leon, Khara

Khara Leon is the Assistant Dean for Library Administration for the UConn Library and her areas of responsibility include the Library’s administrative services, assessment and research, budget and finance, digital solutions and technology, facilities and security, human resources, and organizational development.

Her professional focus is to lead and support efforts across diversity, equity, and inclusion, change management, operational effectiveness, and relationship management. An alumni of the University of Connecticut, Khara received her BA in History and Sociology in 2001 and her MS in Human Resource Management from the School of Business in 2017.


Areas of Expertise

  • Workflow and Change Management
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Recruitment and Workforce Solutions
  • Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Resolution


Professional Affiliations