Provost’s Library Advisory Committee


Provost’s Library Advisory Committee


              The Provost’s Library Advisory Committee (PLAC) provides advice to the Provost and Dean of UConn Library. The advice regards matters of library policy that the PLAC Chair, Dean of UConn Library, or the Provost elect to bring to the Committee. Appropriate issues for  PLAC include all forms of scholarly information acquisition by the University and all forms of information delivery to its faculty and students. Appointed by the Provost’s Office, membership includes representation from each of the schools and colleges, from disciplines within CLAS, and from at least one of the Regional Campuses. Undergraduate Student Government and the Graduate Student Senate are also invited to appoint a representative to the Committee. Appointments are for a two year term and members may be reappointed at the end of a term.

              Members 2024-2025


              Thomas Meyer–Chair, Department of Natural Resources and the Environment

              Iddo Ben-Ari, Department of Mathematics

              Shinae Jang, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

              Carolyn Lin, Department of Communication

              Ruth Lucas, School of Nursing

              Paul McShee, Music Department

              Edward Neth, Department of Chemistry

              Sandra Quiñones , Department of Curriculum and Instruction

              Vacant, Molecular and Cell Biology

              Ingrid Semaan, Department of Sociology

              Marie Shanahan, Journalism Department

              Rebecca Thomas, School of Social Work

              Olga Vinogradova, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences

              Janet Watson, Department of History

              Yanhua “Sunny” Yang, Accounting Department



              Olivia Viel, Undergraduate Student Government

              Gretchen Geer, Graduate Student Government


              Ex Officio Members:

              Anne Langley, Dean UConn Library

              Jessica de Perio Wittman, Director, Law Library

              Susan Fowler, Director, Health Sciences Library

              Sara Harrington, AUL for Academic Engagement

              Khara Leon, Assistant Dean for Library Administration

              Laurie Taylor, AUL for Collections & Discovery