Real People of History

The history of the American Civil War era is familiar, in general, to most Americans. But what is taught in schools, is the story of the leaders - President, generals, governors, senators - not the experiences of the quote-unquote "regular people." The farmers, merchants, sailors, housewives, seamstresses - those who fought and those who were left behind to carry on and pray. Written history tends to highlight the actions and thoughts of the recognized leaders because more is known about them - there is more documentation that has survived. But what about those who participated in the tumultuous times but who was not considered a leader? Whose life, in retrospect, was more like mine and rather unexceptional? As noted by Connecticut State historian, Walter Woodward, in a recent post in “Today in Connecticut History,” we can learn about the everyday activities of ordinary through the diaries and correspondence that have managed to survive the dangers of time, weather and accident.

Featured Collections:

Josephine Dolan Collection  

Connecticut Soldiers Collection: George W. Allen, Gurdon Robins, Jr.,  John L. Sage, and Charles H. Sears