UConn Health Sciences Library supports the UConn Health mission to “help people live healthy lives by integrating research, education, and clinical care”. One way we do this is by providing onsite access to the public to our extensive health sciences collection of literature and by participating in the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP).
The UConn Health Sciences Library provides public access to the Internet to:
- meet the communities’ health information needs
- support free access to U.S. government information
Unauthorized access to the Library’s computers, databases, network, hardware or software settings is prohibited. Damage to the Library’s computer resources is prohibited. Users must comply with applicable copyright laws and licensing agreements. Users may not access visual depictions that are obscene, pornographic, or harmful to others as defined by federal law, on private or public computers within the library, regardless of the origination of the content (i.e. flash drive, internet etc…) Violation of these rules, or any inappropriate usage of library computers or networks that violates library policies may result in the immediate loss of Library privileges.
This policy is subject to review and change and adapted from the CT State Library Internet Safety and Computer Use Policy.
Related policies:
Last updated: 03/3/25