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AccessMedicine Full text of the Lange series of basic science and clinical reference texts and resources like Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine and Hurst’s The Heart, among others, as well as multimedia, drugs, cases, hospital corners, patient education, study tools, and infographics related to medicine.
Acland: Head & Neck Acland’s Video of Human Anatomy features fresh human specimens in their natural colors in real movement with clear narration and labeled structures, allowing users to build complex structures step-by-step. The content can be searched by anatomical regions and parts, as well as by the A-Z index.
BrowZine Use BrowZine to easily find, read, and monitor thousands of journals available from the library’s subscriptions and open access publishers. Search for journals, browse by subject, view current and past journal issues, create a personal bookshelf of your favorite titles, and save/share articles.
Cardiosource Plus Cardiosource Plus is an educational resource from American College of Cardiology that covers cardiac information and the clinical trials database with downloadable summary slides, a clinical images database with over 6000 images in still and motion video formats, customizable patient handouts, Heart Songs, an online drug database (ePocrates), and award-winning Self-Assessment Programs. New and existing users should create or log in to their ACC account, and will then have access to SAPs, MODs, and Heart Songs.
CINAHL Plus with Full Text (EBSCOhost) An index to nursing and allied health journals. Includes citations, abstracts, some full text, continuing education modules, research instrument records, and evidence-based care sheets.
Cochrane Library (Wiley) Provides reliable and up-to-date information on the effects of interventions in health care. Published on a quarterly basis, it is designd to provide information and evidence to support decisions taken in health care and to inform those receiving care. It includes the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Cochrane Database of Methodology Reviews (Methodology Register), Health Technology Assessment Database (HTA), and NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED).
ConsumerLab Leading provider of independent test results and information to help consumers and healthcare professionals evaluate health, wellness, and nutrition products.
Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source is the definitive full-text research database for dental practitioners and researchers. It offers an extensive collection of important full-text dentistry journals, many with no embargo. It includes 117 active, full-text, non-open access journals not available in any version of Academic Search.
DynaMed Clinicians can view the Overviews & Recommendations section of DynaMed topics to get a quick summary of the topic and recommended actions based on the most current evidence. Clinicians can easily see the levels of evidence and guidelines behind each recommendation.
e-Anatomy (IMAIOS) e-Anatomy is an interactive atlas of human anatomy, including over 6,700 anatomical structures. Images are provided as CT scans, MRI scans, radiographs, anatomical diagrams and nuclear images.
Elsevier Consumer Health Library Consumer-focused Health Library designed to engage patients by facilitating access to accurate, timely, easy-to-understand content on thousands of healthcare topics and issues.
Embase Embase is the most comprehensive resource of biomedical literature from peer reviewed journals and conference abstracts.
Essential Evidence Plus Collection of evidence and reference materials including the POEMs database, calculators, Cochrane Abstracts and other clinical decision support tools. Users must have a personal account to access this database. You can sign into an existing account or create one by clicking on the menu in the upper right corner, selecting Sign In, and then either logging into an existing account or registering for a new one.
Journal Citation Reports Provides quantitative measures for ranking, evaluating, categorizing, and comparing journals – including the impact factor, a bibliometric measurement of a journal’s importance to a field.
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) is an online journal publishing visualized (video-based) biological research studies. Access currently includes all topics featured in JoVE Research and a selection of topics from JoVE Education – Science Education: Advanced Biology and Basic Biology.
LexiDrug (UpToDate Lexidrug) LexiComp Online provides quick access to drug information. For mobile device access, click the Mobile App Access button on the right side of the Lexicomp Online home page. Quick Reference Guide.
Medical Letter The Medical Letter, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that publishes critical appraisals of new prescription drugs and comparative reviews of drugs for common diseases in its newsletter.
Micromedex (Internet Version) Full text drug information. Includes the following: AAPCC Codes in POISINDEX; Alternative Medicine; DISEASEDEX™ Emergency Medicine; DISEASEDEX™ General Medicine; DRUGDEX System; Imprint Codes in Identidex; Interaction Checking; IV Compatibility; Lab Advisor; MARTINDALE; P&T QUIK Reports; PDR®; POINSINDEX System; RED BOOK; REPRORISK System; TOMES System; Calculators; mobileMicromedex; CareNotes; Formulary; NeoFax; Pediatrics.
Natural Medicines Combined with Natural Standard, Natural Medicines provides the largest repository of clinically referenced information available on natural medicines and supplements. It includes the following databases: Food, Herbs & Supplements; Health & Wellness; Sports Medicine; Comparative Effectiveness; Manufacturers; Commercial Products.
The Netter Atlas of Human Anatomy illustrates the body, region by region, in detail, from a clinician’s perspective. It contains illustrations that emphasize anatomic relationships that are most important to the clinician in training and practice.
Ovid Medline (Formerly Ovid Online with Medline, and Full Text Journals) Includes Medline, and Full text e-journals. Ovid Training and Tutorials
PolicyMap PolicyMap is a U.S. national data and mapping tool that combines geographic data with mapping and analytics tools. It can be used to create maps of up to five layers, export trend charts with key benchmarks, download data for use in other tools, generate on-the-fly reports and upload your own data to view with PolicyMap’s data.
PsycARTICLES (Full-text Database) The APA Full-text Articles Database contains the full-text articles from over 40 APA journals and others, mostly from 1988 to present.
PsychiatryOnline Features the DSM-IV-TR® and The American Journal of Psychiatry as the cornerstones of a collection of psychiatric references, including books, journals, and self-assessment tools. It features sophisticated searching and indexing tools that enable users to quickly target all the information needed. Online collection of publications available in print.
PsycINFO (EBSCOhost) Citations and abstracts from 1,300 journals covering professional and academic literature in psychology and related disciplines. Made possible through ICONN.
PubMed (Medline, Premedline, and HealthSTAR) An index to 4,000 medical journals. Includes citations, abstracts and some full text. Includes links to articles in 957 full text electronic journals. This link provides access to UConn Health subscribed full texts.
Scopus World’s largest journal indexing and abstracting database with 27 million records covering articles from 14,000 peer-reviewed titles from more than 4,000 international publishers.
TRIP Trip is a clinical search engine designed to allow users to quickly and easily find and use high-quality research evidence to support their practice and/or care.
UpToDate Limited to UConn Health users. Synthesized clinical reference from over 270 journals giving current answers to patient care questions. Off-Campus use available. Tip Sheet
VisualDX UConn Health Network login | Library barcode login. VisualDX is a clinical decision support system designed to enhance medical and therapeutic decisions while improving patient safety. It includes over 48,000 clinical images across all areas of medicine, covers infectious and drug-induced diseases, offers a mobile version, and allows clinicians to earn CME.
A to Z Listing of All Databases
Academic Search Premier Academic multi-disciplinary database with full text for nearly 4,700 publications, including full text for more than 3,600 peer-reviewed journals. PDF backfiles to 1975 for more than 120 journals and searchable cited references for more than 1,000 titles.
AccessAnesthesiology Full text of The Anesthesia Guide, Guidelines, and FDA MedWatch among others, as well as multimedia, cases, and study tools related to anesthesiology.
AccessEmergencyMedicine Full text of To The Point: Clinical Reviews and Emergency Medicine Manual, among others, as well as multimedia, cases, patient education, study tools, and clerkship related to emergency medicine.
AccessMedicine Full text of the Lange series of basic science and clinical reference texts and resources like Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine and Hurst’s The Heart, among others, as well as multimedia, drugs, cases, hospital corners, patient education, study tools, and infographics related to medicine.
AccessNeurology Full text of Principles of Neurology, Kandel Quarterly, 2 Minute Medicine®: Neurology , among others, as well as multimedia, cases, and study tools related to neurology.
AccessPediatrics Full text of 2 Minute Medicine®: Pediatrics (2MM), QMDT-Peds, TC Hospital Handbook, and The Philadelphia Guide, among others, as well as multimedia, drugs, cases, patient education, review questions, and clerkship related to pediatrics.
AccessPharmacy Full text of Herbs and Supplements, Quick Answers Pharmacy, NAPLEX® Central, and Pharmacotherapy among others, as well as multimedia, cases, patient education, and study tools related to pharmacology.
AccessPhysiotherapy Full text of Quick Answers Physiotherapy, Outcome Measures Toolbox, and NPTE® Review book, among others, as well as multimedia, drugs, cases, and study tools related to physiotherapy.
AccessSurgery Full text of 2 Minute Medicine®: Surgery (2MM), Quick Answers Surgery, and ABSITE Quick Review, among others, as well as multimedia, drugs, cases, patient education, study tools, and clerkship related to surgery.
Acland: Head & Neck Acland’s Video of Human Anatomy features fresh human specimens in their natural colors in real movement with clear narration and labeled structures, allowing users to build complex structures step-by-step. The content can be searched by anatomical regions and parts, as well as by the A-Z index.
BrowZine Use BrowZine to easily find, read, and monitor thousands of journals available from the library’s subscriptions and open access publishers. Search for journals, browse by subject, view current and past journal issues, create a personal bookshelf of your favorite titles, and save/share articles.
Cardiosource Plus Cardiosource Plus is an educational resource from American College of Cardiology that covers cardiac information and the clinical trials database with downloadable summary slides, a clinical images database with over 6000 images in still and motion video formats, customizable patient handouts, Heart Songs, an online drug database (ePocrates), and award-winning Self-Assessment Programs. New and existing users should create or log in to their ACC account, and will then have access to SAPs, MODs, and Heart Songs.
CINAHL Plus with Full Text (EBSCOhost) An index to nursing and allied health journals. Includes citations, abstracts, some full text, continuing education modules, research instrument records, and evidence-based care sheets.
Cochrane Library (Wiley) Provides reliable and up-to-date information on the effects of interventions in health care. Published on a quarterly basis, it is designed to provide information and evidence to support decisions taken in health care and to inform those receiving care. It includes the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Cochrane Database of Methodology Reviews (Methodology Register), Health Technology Assessment Database (HTA), and NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED).
ConsumerLab Leading provider of independent test results and information to help consumers and healthcare professionals evaluate health, wellness, and nutrition products.
Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source is the definitive full-text research database for dental practitioners and researchers. It offers an extensive collection of important full-text dentistry journals, many with no embargo. It includes 117 active, full-text, non-open access journals not available in any version of Academic Search.
DynaMed Clinicians can view the Overviews & Recommendations section of DynaMed topics to get a quick summary of the topic and recommended actions based on the most current evidence. Clinicians can easily see the levels of evidence and guidelines behind each recommendation.
e-Anatomy (IMAIOS) e-Anatomy is an interactive atlas of human anatomy, including over 6,700 anatomical structures. Images are provided as CT scans, MRI scans, radiographs, anatomical diagrams and nuclear images.
Elsevier Consumer Health Library Consumer-focused Health Library designed to engage patients by facilitating access to accurate, timely, easy-to-understand content on thousands of healthcare topics and issues.
Embase Embase is the most comprehensive resource of biomedical literature from peer reviewed journals and conference abstracts.
ERIC (EBSCOhost) Indexes scholarly journals and magazines in all areas of education, from early intervention (birth to age three), preschool, K-12 (public and private), and higher education. Includes bilingual, special, gifted, and computer education. 1966 to present.
Essential Evidence Plus Collection of evidence and reference materials including the POEMs database, calculators, Cochrane Abstracts and other clinical decision support tools. Users must have a personal account to access this database. You can sign into an existing account or create one by clicking on the menu in the upper right corner, selecting Sign In, and then either logging into an existing account or registering for a new one.

Journal Citation Reports Provides quantitative measures for ranking, evaluating, categorizing, and comparing journals – including the impact factor, a bibliometric measurement of a journal’s importance to a field.
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) is an online journal publishing visualized (video-based) biological research studies. Access currently includes all topics featured in JoVE Research and a selection of topics from JoVE Education – Science Education: Advanced Biology and Basic Biology.
JSTOR Digitized backfiles of core scholarly journals in the academic fields, beginning with the first issue up to a ‘moving wall’ of 2 to 5 years. Provides access to more than 12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines.
LexiDrug (UpToDate Lexidrug) LexiComp Online provides quick access to drug information. For mobile device access, click the Mobile App Access button on the right side of the Lexicomp Online home page. Quick Reference Guide.
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts(EBSCOhost, Formerly Library Literature) This database indexes articles and book reviews from key library and information science periodicals. Created by librarians for librarians. Contents include more than 600 indexed core journals, 120 indexed selective and priority journals and coverage dating back to 1960.
Medical Letter The Medical Letter, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that publishes critical appraisals of new prescription drugs and comparative reviews of drugs for common diseases in its newsletter.
MedlinePlus Extensive information from the National Institutes of Health and other trusted sources on over 1000 diseases and conditions. There are directories, a medical encyclopedia, health information in Spanish, extensive information on prescription and nonprescription drugs, and links to thousands of clinical trials. MedlinePlus is updated daily.
Micromedex (Internet Version) Full text drug information. Includes the following: AAPCC Codes in POISINDEX; Alternative Medicine; DISEASEDEX™ Emergency Medicine; DISEASEDEX™ General Medicine; DRUGDEX System; Imprint Codes in Identidex; Interaction Checking; IV Compatibility; Lab Advisor; MARTINDALE; P&T QUIK Reports; PDR®; POINSINDEX System; RED BOOK; REPRORISK System; TOMES System; Calculators; mobileMicromedex; CareNotes; Formulary; NeoFax; Pediatrics.
Natural Medicines Combined with Natural Standard, Natural Medicines provides the largest repository of clinically referenced information available on natural medicines and supplements. It includes the following databases: Food, Herbs & Supplements; Health & Wellness; Sports Medicine; Comparative Effectiveness; Manufacturers; Commercial Products.
The Netter Atlas of Human Anatomy illustrates the body, region by region, in detail, from a clinician’s perspective. It contains illustrations that emphasize anatomic relationships that are most important to the clinician in training and practice.
Nexis Uni Provides access to the full text of thousands of publications, including national and international newspapers, popular and general-interest magazines, economics and trade journals, company financial reports, legal cases and law journals.

PolicyMap PolicyMap is a U.S. national data and mapping tool that combines geographic data with mapping and analytics tools. It can be used to create maps of up to five layers, export trend charts with key benchmarks, download data for use in other tools, generate on-the-fly reports and upload your own data to view with PolicyMap’s data.
Pivot Search engine for grant funding opportunities that allows researchers to identify a wide array of potential funding opportunities for research, travel, fellowships and training. One can also receive funding opportunity alerts based on a personal research profile as well as identify potential collaborators within UConn and at other universities.
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global With more than 2 million entries, PQD&T is the single, central, authoritative resource for information about doctoral dissertations and master’s theses. Dissertations published from 1980 forward include 350-word abstracts written by the author. Master’s theses published since 1988 include 150-word abstracts. Simple bibliographic citations are available for dissertations dating from 1637.
PsycARTICLES (Full Text Database) The APA full text articles database contains the full-text articles from over 40 APA journals and others, mostly from 1988 to present.
PsychiatryOnline Features the DSM-IV-TR® and The American Journal of Psychiatry as the cornerstones of a collection of psychiatric references, including books, journals, and self-assessment tools. It features sophisticated searching and indexing tools that enable users to quickly target all the information needed. Online collection of publications available in print.
PsycINFO (EBSCOhost) Citations and abstracts from 1,300 journals covering professional and academic literature in psychology and related disciplines. Made possible through ICONN.
PubMed (Medline, Premedline, and HealthSTAR) An index to 4,000 medical journals. Includes citations, abstracts and some full text. Includes links to articles in 957 full text electronic journals. This link provides access to UConn Health subscribed full texts.
R2 Digital Library Fully integrated and searchable medical, nursing and allied health source book content from key health science publishers, on a web based platform.
Note: Remote access to the R2 Library requires UCONN users to set up a personal account by creating an individual user name and password.
ResearchIT CT (Formerly iCONN) ResearchIT CT offers free online resources as a service of the CT State Library. Find journal, magazine, and newspaper articles for Connecticut public, K12, and academic libraries and their users. A collection of downloadable eAudios and eBooks for Connecticut residents with a valid CT public library card.
SciFinder Scholar (Chemical Abstracts) Requires NetID logon. Information about NetID. Access to the full Chemical Abstracts database from 1947 to current, including nearly 20 million citations to the literature of chemistry, as well as compound information including structure, chemical names, formulas, Registry Numbers and reaction information.
Scopus World’s largest journal indexing and abstracting database with 27 million records covering articles from 14,000 peer-reviewed titles from more than 4,000 international publishers.

Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory Contains all titles in the Ulrich’s database and reviews from Magazines for Libraries and Library Journal. Contains search and browse indexes, such as language and frequency. In addition, links users to related serials for alternate titles.
UpToDate Limited to UConn Health users. Synthesized clinical reference from over 270 journals giving current answers to patient care questions. Off-Campus use available Tip Sheet
VisualDX UConn Health Network login | Library barcode login. VisualDX is a clinical decision support system designed to enhance medical and therapeutic decisions while improving patient safety. It includes over 48,000 clinical images across all areas of medicine, covers infectious and drug-induced diseases, offers a mobile version, and allows clinicians to earn CME.
WorldCat The world’s most comprehensive bibliography, with 40 million bibliographic records representing 400 languages. Covers information back to the 11th Century. Includes holdings information from the world’s libraries.